mercredi 17 février 2010

How to deal with a homewrecking female?

How to deal with a homewrecking female?

I believe that the first step towards doing away with the other woman is to recover your self confidence. Stop believing that you are a victim of the situation. Prepare yourself to win the battle thinking that you have already won it.

Usually whenever a woman finds out that she is being cheated on, this is a hard blow to her self-esteem. It might be troublesome to recover from your surprise and disappointment, nevertheless you have to persuade yourself that you are worthy, that you deserve to live in a welcoming home, you do not deserve to be pushed aside or mistreated. You will have to awaken the woman within your self and regain your strength.

There are 5 basic rules to start with:

1. Do not let him know that you know that he is having an affair.
2. Do not contact the other woman directly.
3. Learn as much as you can about your enemy.
4. Be subtle, canny and active.
5. Make your attacks random so she does not suspect it is you.

Here you can find some naugthy things you can do once you know the other woman and you have enough information about her.

Have fun!

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